Inner Undulations

Thoughts and ideas, firing neurons, idiotic rantings, and cries in the wilderness. Everybody's got an opinion.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Moorlock Fleecing the Eloai

Jabba the Hutlike, Michael Moorlock oozes and exhudes, and the Eloai purr and coo. In cherished Jabbaspeak (imagine Jabba after inhaling helium), Michael Moorlock makes pronouncements and the Eloai nod their woolly heads, sagely.

"Baaa," they intone, answering Michael Moorlock's "Wubb wubba wub wub."

Interpretation into English:
Shame on you, Mr. President, for launching your fictional war, for your fictional reasons, with your fictional rhetoric, and fictional fictions. Lie, lie lie, LIE lie lie, LIE LIE lie lie, lie lie lie. Thank you very much, and thank you for the Oscar. Yippee!

The Eloai clap their hooves, they wag their woolly tails and nod their woolly heads. Amen, they say, hurrah and hallelujah.

Iraq, you say, linked to terrorism? Don't be absurd. Didn't you hear Sean Penn, he talked to the Iraqis and they love everybody, they feel that everybody's religion is just as valid as anyone else's, and everybody deserves an equal break, everybody deserves a big ole group hug. And poor misunderstood Saddamn Hussein, he only wanted to beautify his country, he wanted every Iraqi to get some time serving their country (the torture chamber gotta be cleaned, you know? all that stainless steel needs to be polished and hygenic) -- none of these good spiritual people wanted to get their collective ass kicked by the good ole U. S. of A.

So what if Saddamn Hussein sends bounties to the families of the exploding Palestinians, this isn't terrorism, it is only a humanitarian effort by the "great man." Link to terrorism? Absurd. Link to 9/11? I think we can all agree that Saddamn Hussein was not flying EVEN ONE of those lethal jets that punched into innocent American targets. How can those rightwing nutjobs even IMAGINE connecting Iraq to terrorism? Haven't they listened to the "Wubb wubba wub wub?" Don't they realize that 9/11 was a fictional day?

The Eloai flock together, they raise their right hooves, they chew the green grass. Baaaa, they agree.

And Michael Moorlock guffaws, he snatches a sweet Eloai and tosses it whole into his gullet. A guy has got to eat, don't he? And Michael Moorlock sells the truth, so for the greater good, for the collective conscience, what does it matter if an individual or two adds to his fat cell storehouse? Prophet, entertainer, salesman and poster boy for double supersize portions, Michael Moorlock, he wubbs, and the Eloai baaa. When the big ole tummy of Michael Moorlock grumbles, the Eloai ever prove sweet.


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