Inner Undulations

Thoughts and ideas, firing neurons, idiotic rantings, and cries in the wilderness. Everybody's got an opinion.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Jack Dunphy's "What if They Called 9-1-1"

"Brian Nichols, the man accused of murdering four people in Atlanta earlier this month, will stand trial for those crimes sometime in the next year or two. Unless something extraordinary is revealed during his trial he very likely will be convicted and sentenced to death. If at some point during the appeals process he sustains an injury similar to that suffered by Terri Schiavo fifteen years ago, will our robed masters twiddle their thumbs just as impassively as he is rolled to the execution chamber? No, they will not. They will tell us that even a convicted mass-murderer is deserving of all the protections the law can provide, the protections now being denied to a helpless, innocent woman.

"By the time you read this Terri Schiavo may well be dead. Our sophisticated betters lecture us that due process has run its course and that this is what the law demands. If this is so, then Charles Dickens was right: The law is a ass."

— Jack Dunphy is an officer in the Los Angeles Police Department. "Jack Dunphy" is the author's nom de cyber. The opinions expressed are his own and almost certainly do not reflect those of the LAPD management.

THINK ABOUT IT. We provide and demand more civil rights for mass murderers, serial killers, than we do for one innocent woman who cannot speak up for herself.

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n. - "The study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding."

This idea started with Darwin's concept of "survival of the fittest."

Are you one of the "fittest?"

Do the strong crush the weak? Or do the strong protect the weak?

In its furthest savage reaches of chaotic "religion," eugenics says if a child is born with Down Syndrome, it does not have the right to live, because it pollutes the gene pool, it ensures a future weakness in the race of mankind. If a child develops a disease, one that will affect it for the rest of its life, then it should not be supported. In short, only the strong should survive.

An "unnatural selection" among humans. Only the strong survive.

What if you are determined not to be among the strong? Will you vote for such a project? Should you die if you are a man and not over the height of six feet? Should you die if your body contains more than 12 percent body fat, because your genes could corrupt the strong gene pool of the future?

"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the younger, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant with both the weak and the strong, because someday in life you will have been one or all of these."
— George Washington Carver

"Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally."
— Abraham Lincoln

Theresa Marie Schindler

“One who condones evil is just as guilty as the one who perpetrates it.”
— Martin Luther King, Jr.

Schiavo is a dirty word, and it's amazing to me that people refer to Terri as Terri Schiavo. "Schiavo" and "Sleazeball" are becoming synonymous, and should not be applied to a decent, innocent person, one who is undergoing torture, at this moment -- BY LAW.

I'm furious -- I feel impotent, helpless -- I can't stand the fact that I am powerless in helping a woman in need. A brutal Government self-righteously demands that an innocent, defenseless woman be STARVED to death, that she THIRST to death.

Has our country gone completely CRAZY? Have filthy pieces of propaganda such as "Farenheit 9/11" infected our world with such a killer virus of stupidity, inhumanity and sleazeball pessimism, that we purposely call "Good" by the word "Evil," while calling evil good? Shame on you if this is you -- shame on ME for allowing our world to get to this place of undiluted excrement.

How can any rational person with even a shred of humanity, even hint that they are okay with this? How could anyone say that this is a good thing? That it is the humane thing? That this is decent, good, humane, fair -- a decision about "dignity." The word "dignity" has been utterly destroyed.

If someone starved a dog to death, tied it down in a "bed" and refused it water? Any decent person would demand that that person be arrested, that they go to court, that they pay a fine, that they serve time in jail -- TO WAKE THEM UP! Hey, that's not nice! You don't treat a dog like that! It has feelings, it is an actual being that desires love, not torture. Don't treat a dog as if it were nothing more than a wilted carrot.

Hello? You are a person, that means you have certain responsibilities, whether or not you believe in God. If Star Trek is your religion, then you are even MORE responsible for the health and well-being of Terri Schindler, because if you believe that "man is all there is," then things don't look too promising for atheists right now. What if someone were to legalistically determine that anyone who does not believe in God is in a "persistent vegetative state?" Would you applaud the fact that a court was denying you water to drink, food to eat? What if the State determined that your children would be "better off" without food and water?

Wake up! Are we humans? Or are we cold, calculating machines? If one of our fellow machines breaks down, do we toss it on the scrap heap? Is Terri Schindler a machine?

Paid sheisters have lied about Terri's condition. Hired guns have shot their bullets at an innocent, helpless life. The "Michael Moorlocks" of the world claim she is in a persistent vegetative state, that someone in such a condition cannot track a person in the room with their eyes, that someone in such a state does not respond to sounds, to smells, or recognize voices, that if someone smiles in such a state it is an accident -- by this criteria, Terri Schindler is NOT in a persistent vegetative state. Wake up! Wake up now! Don't buy a lie just because a one-ton creep in the style of Michael Moore's version of reality perpetrates it (no matter the laugh track you stick to it, it is still a lie) -- would anyone condone tying down Michael Moore and starving HIM, this psuedo-intellectual who denies any sanctity to life?

If the "official Democrat" position is murder, can you ever call yourself a Democrat again? Think, ask yourself the hard questions -- what if it was ME? What if I could still think, but I could not express my thoughts verbally, what if when someone hurt me, it actually HURT me? You wouldn't like it if someone cut off your cable TV, let alone your water supply, your food.

This is not a line in the sand, dividing Democrats and Republicans.

It is a line in the sand delineating DECENT vs. INDECENT, INNOCENT vs. GUIILTY, CITIZEN vs. CRIMINAL. This is a wake-up call delivered to America, if it never received one before (does ANYone remember September 11? when self-righteous rat/human amalgamations cowardly attacked innocent people? do you remember how you felt when beings hardly even human anymore, made decisions to change the world for bloodshed, murder, chaos, mayhem? the same kind of murder-mayhem-mentality [or anti-mind] is doing perpetrating the same kind of vicious, inhuman crime upon an innocent woman named Theresa Marie Schindler! are we "okay" with it?).

Wake up, before it is too late. You would not do this to your loved one. You would not even do this to your enemy. And if you stay silent, you align yourself with the murderers in black robes, the legally blessed terrorists. The spirit of Saddam Hussein is alive and well, kicking it around here in the good ole U.S.A. -- reject it.

Terri Schindler deserves a certain quality of life -- she's not getting it. She deserves LIFE, period, just the same as you or I (and the legal system is full-bore attempting to deprive her of this BASIC RIGHT).

Say something -- if to no one else, talk to God about it. You still do know right from wrong, don't you? If you don't, then there is not much hope for humanity, is there?

Edmund Burke may or may not have said "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" -- regardless of where this maxim originated, we -- all of us, you, me, them, she and they and those guys over there -- we instantly recognize the truth of the sentiment. Another way to say it would be: "Well, some guys that I think are smarter than me accept this, so I probably can't go wrong by buying into it!" Wake up. Don't open your mouth when the big hand moves the toxic baby food closer and closer to your lips. Don't bite it. Don't chew it. Don't swallow. It is garbage, and it will kill you.

There is absolutely no logic or reason or humanity in removing food and water from a woman who has tragically suffered brain damage. That's the truth. We don't have to complicate it further than that. It's true, it's right, and if you don't like it, think about it, why not?

"You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who they think can do nothing for them or to them."
—Malcolm Forbes